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Welcome to Shabby AndreaM

✨✨✨ NEU ✨✨✨
Diese aufwändigen FLEX Dékore werten deine Projekte mit atemberaubenden Details auf!
Wenn Du ein Fan von wunderschönen Möbeln bist wirst Du diese vielseitigen Applikationen oder auch Trimmings lieben.
Füge mühelos schöne Verzierungen hinzu.
Wähle aus einer Vielzahl einzigartiger Designs.
Lässt sich leicht an jede Kurve oder Ecke anpassen – keine Hitze erforderlich!​

Anschließend nach Belieben schleifen, schneiden, bemalen oder mit Dekorwachsen verschönern, anpassen oder  versiegeln ✨

Ab sofort bei uns lieferbar 👇

riesige Auswahl Transfers

We show you the way to conjure up your new darling from your beloved but busy furniture for many more years together. We have put together the right material and all the necessary tools for every taste in the shop and are happy to answer any questions you may have.


Today you get this beautiful HARLEQUIN Transfer

only once for half price. You will definitely be able to use the large transfers perfectly in one of your next projects, because there is always room for it!

Coupon Code !!!:        REDESIGN

If you feel like tackling your own projects, we can now provide you with the best products. From the world's most coveted chalk paint "Dixie Belle" to the most experienced accessory supplier "Re Design", with "Aussie Decor Transfers" and "Hokus Pokus" you now have two special providers at your disposal to make your project a success._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


leider schon verkauft

As a Dixie Belle Premier Retailer, we have an extensive range, the complete range of ClingOn Brushes, the huge selection of ReDesign or the extraordinary possibilities of Hocus Pocus, we are also always available to our retail colleagues and furniture artists as a distribution with Aussie Decor Transfers and Nordic Chic !

Thanks to the possibilities of Grace On Design, Posh Chalk and WoodUbend, there are no limits to your creativity.

Nordic Chic Distribution
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